
For women only

Shamanism & the Divine Feminine Retreat

SEPTEMBER 6 - 8, 2024 | Sedona, AZ

With HeatherAsh Amara

The author of Warrior Goddess Training


Radiant - Powerful - Divine

Shamanic cultures around the world knew the
importance of honoring the divine feminine

Come experience the magic of Sedona and be held in a circle of women as you lay to rest the ghosts of burden, shame, or unacknowledged parts of your history.

Imagine what it would feel like to shed layers of cultural and personal baggage and stand proudly in the radiant light as a divine goddess that you are! It’s not too late to go back and experience things like a happy coming-of-age ritual, or gain closure on a painful breakup or divorce, or create a loving space for transitioning into the next phase of your life.

Join us in Sedona & experience the magic

Sedona Mago Retreat Center

Join HeatherAsh Amara for this all-inclusive immersion in Shamanism & the Divine Feminine!

This retreat begins at 7pm on Friday, September 6th and runs though noon on Sunday, September 8th. Your tuition includes two nights of lodging at the Sedona Mago Retreat Center, a full workshop program, and all meals. There is an optional full day pre-conference workshop that can be added at checkout (full details further down this page). 

Available space is limited!

In this weekend workshop, we will release stuck emotions, rewrite our history, and rewire our experiences in a playful, powerful, and profound way.

This is your invitation to rebirth yourself like a phoenix rising from the ashes and embrace ALL aspects of your Divine Feminine.

Come nourish your heart and soul using a variety of tools and rituals, including:

Shared Room

per person
$ 1399
  • A shared room includes two separate beds. If desired, you may tell us with whom you wish to share a room, or we will match you with another female attendee. (This is a women's only retreat.)
  • Includes tuition and all meals
  • 3 payment option availabe at checkout
  • Optional pre-conference workshop can be added at checkout

Private Room

$ 1999
  • A VERY LIMITED number of private rooms are available. If you wish to select this option, please register early! We wish to accommodate all guests, so please do not wait.
  • Includes tuition and all meals
  • 3 payment option available at checkout
  • Optional pre-conference workshop can be added at checkout

Friday, Sept 6th - 9:30 am to 4:30 pm

Optional Pre-Conference Workshop

extend your journey by signing up for an all day pre-conference workshop with heatherAsh




Arrive Thursday afternoon, enjoying all the retreat center has to offer, and spend the night. This way you will be ready for the full day pre-conference workshop on Friday. Alternatively, you can arrive Friday morning by 9:00AM for the pre-conference workshop without lodging.
You can add this pre-conference to your cart at checkout* when you register for the Shamanism and the Divine Feminine Retreat. You must choose the same room type (shared or private) as you choose for the main weekend event.


The Warrior Goddess Way

An advanced Warrior Goddess workshop with heatherash

Join HeatherAsh Amara as she leads women in this powerful preconference workshop which will highlight lessons from her "advanced class" book The Warrior Goddess Way.

Surrounded by the power of Sedona’s natural vortexes, you will be invited to dive deeply into the essence of what it means to embody the Warrior Goddess Principles. In this full day workshop, you will learn tools that will help you:

Stay grounded and present even in difficult times, opening your heart to all of life.

Listen to the wisdom within, owning your strength and vulnerability in the process.

Speak your deepest truths, even when others may not want to hear it.

This day’s session will help you build a stronger foundation and framework, anchoring the energetic transformation in your heart and mind so that you can return to your life with renewed commitment to reclaim your own true power!

*This workshop is available to add during the checkout process. Please select your room type below, but know that both types also have a no-lodging option if you choose not to stay with us Thursday night:

Sunday, Sept 8th - 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Deep Healing Immersion

A post-conference intensive workshop with HeatherAsh Amara and Sarah Marshank

(Limited to 10 participants)

Following this transformative weekend, HeatherAsh Amara and Sarah Marshank will lead 10 women on an extended journey to address any specific healing challenges they are facing.

This workshop is particularly good for women who are experiencing a major life change, such as a divorce or separation, the death of a loved one, or a move or career change; are struggling with heightened anxiety around the existential crises of our times; or are dealing with past mental, emotional, or physical trauma and/or abuse.

Upon registration for this post-conference workshop, a member of HeatherAsh’s team will reach out to learn about your personal healing needs. This ensures the experience is tailored to address your unique challenges. Rest assured; all information shared will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

With the specific needs of each participant in mind, HeatherAsh and Sarah will create a healing plan rooted in embodied ritual and energetic release designed to heal and transform each participant.



$499 Workshop only

Join us in Sedona & experience the magic

Come to the mystical setting of Sedona to meet the leader of a worldwide feminine empowerment movement: HeatherAsh Amara!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to retreat from your usual patterns of living and learn how to harness your inner power in entirely new ways. You will return to your life with fresh vision and know how to create your own reality as the work of art it was meant to be.

This gathering will be held at the Sedona Mago Retreat Center, which is operated by Tao Fellowship, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is “Love Humanity, Love the Earth.”

Surrounded by red monoliths, Native American ruins, and majestic mountains, the Sedona Mago offers 163 acres of beautifully landscaped land honoring Mother Earth’s treasures. Designed to work with the natural healing energy of Sedona, you can relax and rejuvenate body, mind, and spirit.

Check out the full information about the Retreat amenities

About the teacher

HeatherAsh Amara is the Warrior Goddess Mama and best-selling author of Warrior Goddess Training, Warrior Goddess Training Companion Book, and Warrior Goddess Way. She has been leading circles of women into deeper relationships with themselves for over 30 years. She is dedicated to supporting women in developing their self-intimacy, steadiness, and stillness by sharing the most potent tools from a variety of world traditions. She does this through the teachings of Warrior Goddess Training inspired by the many paths she has walked. Through her workshops and books she offers practical tools she has developed during her studies of European Shamanism with Vicki Noble, Buddhism through being raised in South East Asia, and Toltec wisdom through the lineage of don Miguel Ruiz who she apprenticed with and now co-teaches beside. HeatherAsh Amara believes deeply in the power of women coming together for healing not just for ourselves but for all women. 

She brings this open-hearted, inclusive worldview to her writings and teachings. She can often be found covered in adobe mud on her ranch, dancing around the fire, and deepening into the Mystery.

With Special Guest Teacher

Sarah Marshank is the founder of Selfistry, a system for mastering the art of being human. Selfistry is “smart spirituality” for these times, offering a map and a method for effective self development. Integrating Eastern and Western philosophy and psychology with meditative and somatic practices, Selfistry prepares practitioners for a deep encounter with life. Selfistry was born out of Sarah's personal 10-year retreat, where she lived a simple ascetic lifestyle, separate from the fast-paced craziness of the Western world. While isolated, she studied the teachings of numerous lineages and spent her days practicing meditation, yoga, silence, and fasting. You can read her story in her memoir: Being Self-ish, My Journey from Escort to Monk to Grandmother.

Healing With the Ancestors

Taught by Dr. Steven Farmer

Unlike other cultures and most indigenous communities, it’s only recently that those of us in western culture are paying heed to the influence of our ancestors and how this shows up in family patterns. Here’s an opportunity to not only deepen your relationship with your ancestors but also to work directly with them to heal the intergenerational wounds that have been passed along.


Peruvian Shamanism

Taught by don Jorge Delgado

In don Jorge’s shamanic tradition, there is no separation between the physical and spiritual worlds, and those of us on the planet now are being called to access the inner wisdom and harmony of the ancients to heal the human relationship with Mother Earth and Father Sun. in this workshop, he will share his Andean ancestral teachings, and explain how they can be extremely useful to us as we navigate the transformational times that we are
all living in.

Join us in Sedona & experience the magic

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