

Gangaji, an internationally renowned teacher and author, is dedicated to the recognition of peace and freedom inherent in the core of all being. Supported by her Foundation’s global network of volunteers, she began traveling around the world in 1990 meeting with people from all walks of life.

In 1990, the answer to her prayer for true help came unexpectedly, taking her to India and to the meeting that would change everything. There on the banks of the river Ganga, she met Sri H.W.L. Poonja, also known as Papaji, who opened the floodgates of self-recognition. In this meeting, Gangaji’s personal story of suffering ended and the promise of a true life began to flower and unfold. Papaji gave her the name Gangaji, and asked her to travel throughout the world.

Today Gangaji shares her direct experience, powerfully articulating how it is possible to discover the truth of who you are and be true to that discovery. She is the author of Freedom & Resolve: Finding Your True Home in the Universe, The Diamond in Your Pocket: Discovering Your True Radiance and Hidden Treasure: Uncovering the Truth in Your Life Story.

Dr. Joe Dispenza

Joe Dispenza, D.C., studied biochemistry at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J. He also holds a BS degree with an emphasis in Neuroscience. Over the past decade, he has taught thousands of people how to re-program their thinking through scientifically proven neuro-physiologic principles. The premise of his work is founded in his total conviction that every person on this planet has within them, the latent potential of greatness and true unlimited abilities. One of the scientists, researchers, and teachers featured in the award winning film, “What the BLEEP Do We Know!?,” he also has guest appearances in the theatrical directors cut, “What the BLEEP Down the Rabbit Hole” as well as the extended Quantum Edition DVD set, “What the BLEEP Down the Rabbit Hole”.

Jacob Nordby

Jacob Nordby is an author and speaker whose mission in life is to share the message of awakening and conscious evolution for all. His work is featured in: The Divine Arsonist: A Tale of Awakening, a newly-released spiritual novel, Pearls of Wisdom: 30 Inspirational Ideas to Live Your Best Life Now! with Jack Canfield, Randy Davila, and other inspired authors, and The Thought That Changed My Life with Dr. Bernie M. Siegel, Dr. Christian Guenette and more. He is also a contributor to The Elephant Journal and other online magazines.

Linda Martella-Whitsett

Winner of The 2011 Best Spiritual Author competition, Linda Martella-Whitsett is an inspiring, respected Unity minister and spiritual teacher. Linda’s message about our Divine Identity inspires people across cultures and faith traditions to meet life’s circumstances with spiritual maturity. Linda is the senior minister at Unity Church of San Antonio and a mentor for emerging leaders in New Thought. Linda is the author of How to Pray Without Talking to God: Moment by Moment, Choice by Choice.

Stephanie Bennett Vogt

Stephanie Bennett Vogt is the author of Your Spacious Self: Clear Your Clutter and Discover Who You Are. As one of New England’s leading space clearing experts, she brings over 35 years of experience to SpaceClear, the teaching and consulting practice she founded in 1996 helping homes and people come into balance. Stephanie teaches her inspirational clearing programs at centers worldwide including Kripalu and the New England School of Feng Shui, and shares her unique perspectives on simplifying, personal reinvention, and letting go as a course contributor for DailyOM and a columnist for the Huffington Post.

Asia Voight

As an animal communicator, intuitive and life guide, Asia offers her expertise by acting as a mediator between animals and their humans. After suffering through a horrible car wreck, it was Asia’s connection with animals that helped her through her physical recovery, and it is this connection that she fosters between pets and their owners in her work.

HeatherAsh Amara

HeatherAsh Amara weaves the most powerful practices of shamanic traditions to support each individual in the manifestation of their highest potential. She has facilitated hundreds of workshops and firewalks over the past fifteen years. She is the author of The Toltec Path of Transformation: Embracing the Four Elements of Change, Sacred Time Management, and Toltec Tarot. As the founder of the Toltec Center for Creative Intent (, she has facilitated hundreds of workshops in the Toltec tradition and taught extensively with don Miguel Ruiz. For more information about HeatherAsh Amara or to book an appearance, please visit our event bookings page.

don Miguel Ruiz Jr

Miguel Jr. has taken the lessons of his grandmother and father, don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, and discovered his own personal freedom. After decades of training, Miguel Jr. is now ready to share everything he has learned. As a Nagual, he now helps others achieve their own personal freedom. For more information about don Miguel Ruiz Jr. or to book an appearance, please visit our event bookings page.

Mark Nepo

Nepo is a consummate storyteller with a rare gift for making the invisible visible.” —Publishers Weekly The Book of Awakening, by Mark Nepo, is one of Oprah’s Ultimate Favorite Things! Beloved as a teacher, poet, and storyteller, Mark Nepo is the New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, or what Oprah referred to as “A year’s supply of inspiration every day, and the perfect gift for yourself, and your friends.”

Sunny Dawn Johnston

As a gentle and supportive spiritual teacher, Sunny Dawn Johnston has helped thousands of people across the country find their personal spiritual connection, learn to listen within to their own inner truth and recognize and own their natural spiritual gifts. As a child, with the support of her metaphysical parents, Sunny was given the opportunity to follow her own truth, beliefs, and life path. She was a spiritually gifted child and has since devoted her life to the enhancement of her spiritual gifts and to the application of these gifts with humanity.

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