
May 2 - May 4, 2025 | Sedona, AZ

The Gathering of the Shamans


with shamanic teachers & practitioners of many backgrounds


Nabeel Headshot_cropped

Shaman Nabeel Redwood


Linda Star Wolf, Phd.


don Jorge Luis Delgado


Dr. Steven Farmer

Rhonda McCrimmon

Rhonda McCrimmon

Marie Mbouni

Dr. Marie Mbouni

Jose Stevens GOTS_

Jose Luis Stevens


HeatherAsh Amara

daniel giamario


Keith Caplin Headshot




Whitney Freya


The oldest spiritual tradition

Long before religions were organized, and on every continent, there were shamans. They practiced a form of direct experience and revelation that dates back more than 40,000 years. They served in a unique capacity that combined skills of a psychologist, spiritual adviser, healer, philosopher, and friend.

In Africa, Europe, the Americas, and Asia (where the term "shaman" originated), they used rituals, tools, and wisdom to provide guidance and healing for the people of their tribes.

While their magic was largely lost to the world with the progress of science and technology, the spark of that fire never completely went out.

Modern day shamanic practitioners have reached back through time to reclaim these practices and integrate them with our contemporary lives.

Shamans see subtle energy patterns that cause difficulty and pain. Under their wise direction, people can learn to quickly shift their perspective, remove stubborn inner blockages, and step into lives of ease, flow, and real magic.

Join us in Sedona & experience it for yourself!

Sedona Mago Retreat Center

Join us in the mystical setting of Sedona to meet the leading shamanic teachers of our day.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to retreat from your usual patterns of living and learn how to harness your inner power in entirely new ways. You will return to your life with fresh vision and know how to create your own reality as the work of art it was meant to be.

This gathering will be held at the Sedona Mago Retreat Center, which is operated by Tao Fellowship, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is “Love Humanity, Love the Earth.”

Surrounded by red monoliths, Native American ruins and majestic mountains, the Retreat Center offers 163 acres of beautifully landscaped land honoring Mother Earth’s treasures. Designed to work with the natural healing energy of Sedona, you can relax and rejuvenate body, mind, and spirit.

Shamanic Breathwork - Firewalk - Soul Retrieval

Event Details

The full program begins Friday night at 7 pm, but we encourage you to arrive as early as 1 pm on Friday to familiarize yourself with all that this unique setting has to offer.

Dinner will be served for all participants at 5:30PM on Friday, and retreat staff will offer group tours of the property so you can learn about the energy vortexes, labyrinths, and other natural wonders.

The retreat will end Sunday afternoon at 1 pm, and our teachers have specifically asked that the schedule of events not be posted. But you'll get to experience a full schedule of immersive workshops and salons, firewalking, and much more.

You are invited to surrender any preconceived ideas, assumptions, or expectations you may have about this weekend, so that you may experience a powerful Shamanic retreat unlike any other.

You’ll leave potentially seeing the world in new ways, at new levels of awareness. And you’ll do it all creating lasting friendships and kinships with like-minded individuals.

Want to find out how seeing the world through different eyes can have a dramatic impact on your life?

Along with ample time set aside for personal reflection, nature exploration, and fellowship, you will experience the following:

While the Gathering of the Shamans will include mystical elements, it is designed to have real, practical results in your daily life.

Do you have questions or need help?

Would you like to extend your stay?

Our Shamanism & the Divine Retreat will be taking place at the Mago Retreat Center right AFTER this event! Join us for both and get an abundance of inner work and soul-cleansing through attending two incredible events in one amazing trip!

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