
Healing Ancestral Karma

Free Yourself from Unhealthy Family Patterns

Release Date:
November 1, 2014
Paperback,Audiobook,Kindle,Audible Audio Edition

About This Book:

Is it possible that you have inherited the karma of your family members? Could this explain why family members often go through the same trials and tribulations generation after generation? And if so, is there anything you can do to break the cycle?

Bestselling new age author Dr. Steven Farmer claims that each of us inherited karma. If you come from a long line of saints and humanitarians, your life is probably pretty sweet. However, if you are like most folks, your forbears are probably a mixed bag of the good, the bad, and the ugly. As a result, you are living with some appalling karmic consequences.

This is a book that shows readers how to free themselves from the negative cycles of the past, and how to tap into the ancient wisdom of their ancestors! He explains:

how to activate and awaken ancient cellular memory of interconnectedness with all beings
how to heal hereditary traits and characteristics, such as DNA and cellular memory that have compromised physical, emotional, and mental health
how to explore potential past lives
No matter what your current spiritual philosophy or practice, you can tap into your ancestral spirit guide for guidance, teaching, and healing.

About The Author(s):

Dr. Steven Farmer is a world-renowned author, soul healer, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual teacher. Dr. Farmer’s education includes a BA in psychology from the University of California, an MA in Counseling Psychology from Chapman University, and a PhD from Madison University.

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